

Literacy Outreach offers different programs for different types of adult learners.  We strive to meet the need of every adult learner who struggles with basic literacy skills.  We work with native English speakers struggling to read, write or complete simple math computations.  We also work with non-native speakers who want to learn English.  Our English language learners may also need to learn to read and write.  IMG_0675


Our one-on-one program is our largest program.  To make this program work, Literacy Outreach recruits and professionally trains volunteer tutors from the community. Tutors are requested to commit to at least three hours per week for a six-month period. A core textbook and a dictionary are provided for both students and tutors.

Students are interviewed and their individual needs assessed. Prospective students are tested. Students are paired with tutors based upon schedule, location, and other pertinent factors. Tutors and students work together at least two hours per week and develop both short- and long-term goals.

Small Group

Just like our one-on-one programs, but with 3-5 other learners in your group.  laughing on chairsFor more information on becoming a student or to register for classes, please call us 970-945-5282. All our teachers are volunteers.

Our adult literacy students are a diverse group. They range in age from 16 to 80 and come from many different areas of the country and the world.

Financial Literacy

Struggling to make ends meet?  Living paycheck to paycheck?  Want to buy a house? Do you have bad credit?  Literacy Outreach offers classes to help you meet your financial goals and organize your money.  Call to set up a one-on-one consultation or join a class. Quit worrying and start learning!


Are you ready to take the citizenship exam?  We can help you study to pass the test the first time.  Call (970) 945-5282 for the current class schedule.

Hands-On English (Free)

Hands-On English is our second largest program.  This program offers students a safe place to practice their new English skills.  Learners can increase their vocabulary, meet other students and IMG_0302practice their English while learning something new.

Incrementa tu vocabulario, conoce a mas estudiantes, y practica tu Ingles! Solo para recordarles que las clases Hands-on English las realizamos con el fin de incrementar el vocabulario de los estudiantes (recuerda que a estas clases puedes traer a familiares o amigos TODOS son bienvenidos y son totalmente gratis. Nuestra meta más importante es que ustedes aprendan Inglés!

Upcoming Hands-On English Classes

Ayude a salvar al planeta, tu cuerpo y aprenda Ingles!

Instructora: Rachel Baiyor

Sabe usted cuanto tiempo tarda en degradarse una botella o una bolsa de plastico? Sabe usted a quienes estamos afectando cuando tiramos plastico a la basura? A leido usted los ingradientes que contiene los productos que usamos diariamente de aseo personal o de limpieza del hogar?

Creamos consiencia de la crisis que enfrentamos usando plastico.

  • 7 de Febrero las 9:30A.M en el 1127 School St. Glenwood Springs (oficina de Literacy Outreach)
  • 13 de Febrero a las 5:00PM en la Biblioteca de Rifle

Menos Quimicos, Mas Organico!

Aprendamos hacer nuestros propios productos de aseo personal de manera mas saludable para nuestro cuerpo. Barra de jabon, jabon para lavar trastes, desodorante, jabon para lavar ropa, removedor de maquillaje, y bolsas reusables para las compras del supermercado.

  • 21 de Febrero a las 5P.M en el 1127 School St. Glenwood Springs ( oficina de Literacy Outreach).
  • 27 de Febrero a las 4:30PM en la biblioteca de Rifle.

Tienes ropa usada que ya no nesecitas y esta en buenas condiciones?

Intercambiemos prendas de ropa.. Sera divertido!!

  • 22 de Marzo en la oficina de Literacy Outreach.

Preguntas? Hablanos (970) 945-5282.


Where is Literacy Outreach and the Teo Prinster Learning Center?  

Donde esta Literacy Outreach and the Teo Prinster Learning Center?

Map 1127 School Street_CMYK

Student Spotlight

Sandra Cano was selected “Student of the Year” at Literacy Outreach’s annual appreciation potluck.