From Students
“My tutor is so patient. I can’t think quick and I have to go the long way to learn. She is always there when I have time to study. She is so patient. She is a dream. She just works with me.”
-Donna, Age 62
Adult Basic Education Student
From Tutors
“Being a Literacy Outreach tutor was a gratifying experience for me personally just knowing that I was helping my student achieve her dream of becoming a more productive and independent member of our community.”
Glenwood Springs resident
tutored 2000-2001
“The orientation provided to the tutors is not only extensive but also truly helpful. The professional training offered the support needed for tutors and students to be successful. I felt there were always suggestions available when I needed them. Students learn in different ways and the comprehensive approach allowed the natural talents of the students to be discovered. Barriers that may have prevented students from ever learning English and possibly getting a GED are addressed with understanding and flexibility.”
-Ellen Klement
Literacy Outreach volunteer tutor since 2001
“My tutoring experience brought me closer to community members I would not have met otherwise. It was as much a growing experience for me as it was for the person I tutored. The woman I tutored was exceptionally motivated in learning to read that she squeezed me into her very hectic schedule. She worked as a childcare provider from her home, often from early in the morning until well into the evening, in addition to attending to her own family’s needs. She planned her childcare day around my visit by having me come during nap time so she could devote her attention to learning. Some times she was learning to read with a baby on her knee. Within the first year, this woman jumped two entire levels of reading due to her diligence and motivation despite her hectic schedule. I teach college and would love to have a classroom of students such as this. She was a complete pleasure to work with. I love sharing such a beautiful gift as knowing how to read.”
-Michelle Lefebvre
Literacy Outreach volunteer tutor since 2006
“Without the help of my tutor, I would not be able to do my job now.”
-Donna, Age 62
Adult Basic Education Student